Melanoma Update Newsletters

Client: Amgen Immunologic Oncology Product Manager

A series of 4 newsletters for internal training of sales representatives on new therapies in oncology based on using the body’s natural immune system. Specifically, the need was to cover the history and mechanisms of immunologic therapies to give sale representatives the foundational knowledge to discuss new immunologic strategies intelligently and comprehensively with their medical professional clients.


New and current members of the oncology sales force needed one source that would detail new agents that work in concert with the body’s nature immune response to augment chemotherapeutic agents in progression-free survival. Specifically, the need was to cover the history and mechanisms of immunologic therapies, administration protocols, successes and failures, and to give sale representatives the foundation to discuss new immunologic strategies intelligently and comprehensively with their medical professional clients.

A new product manager at Amgen Oncology was referred to our team at CREO by members of the Medical and Communications team at Amgen. Their recommendation was based on previous projects they had reviewed for medical and legal accuracy: they commented that the quality of our work in both graphics and content was exemplary—specifically that our approach to making complex scientific concepts more accessible while being fair-balanced and medically and legally accurate.

Program Design and Release

Working with our client, we determined a series of 4 newsletters, released every month, would be able to give an in-depth but easily understandable knowledge of existing products, successes and challenges of modulating immune response, the mechanism of action, and history.

We designed the newsletters to be released individually but share visual and content structural themes and be accessible for initial education and as an ongoing reference tool.

Our client was thrilled with the accuracy and look of the elements: they were exactly as she hoped they would be and continue to be in use at Amgen.